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New Members Info
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Membership Requirements

You must own a Corvette or be the
spouse or companion of a member.



Corvette Indy belongs to the National Council of Corvette Clubs (N.C.C.C.), and thus its members not only enjoy the camaraderie of a local club,  but also the benefits of belonging to a national organization.

These benefits include:

  • A quarterly magazine (Blue Bars)

  • The annual N.C.C.C. Convention week

  • Event liability insurance

  • A nationwide sanctioned competition program



First and foremost, we would like to welcome you to Corvette Indy!
As a club we have many opportunities for you to enjoy driving your Corvette.
To help you further enjoy club activities,

the following are some answers to frequently asked questions.



Q: How do I get involved?


The extra wheel feeling may hit you when you are brand new. The fastest way to feel like a full fledged member is to start doing some of the events... after 1 or 2 events you'll really feel like you belong and the new shyness thing will melt away quick... this is a fun group that welcomes new members and new ideas, so get involved quickly! Also make sure that the Social Director has your correct email address, as event information is updated through email.


Q: What can I do to get ready for a parade or car show?


If you plan to show your car at car shows or drive it for race day celebrations on the Indy 500 track or drive it in any of the various parades the club participates in.  You will need to clean your Corvette by many different ways.  Basic is to rinse the vehicle with clean water to insure you remove the loose dirt.  The next step is to use good car wash soap and then rinse with clean water.  There are various waxes, speed shine and or ceramic solutions to apply to give it that beautiful shine.  Ask for people who put their Corvette into car shows. They can advise as to what to use to get that pretty imageYour car will always looks great with a couple of USA car flags on it.

You may want to order flags.  One great source is Flag Caddie at


Q: What is meant by a "Short Drive or DND or Cruise-in" ?

How much gas should I have?

Short drive is from a starting point to a destination point.  Either end could be an attraction or the drive is over winding roads to enjoy driving your Corvette.

A DnD is a starting point driving over windy interesting roads to a place to eat that has wonderful food the host has found out about and wants to share this site with the membership.

A Cruise-In is a destination place of interest, where the members pick their own way to meet the other interested members to enjoy a place or happening with other members. 

Driving events may only be a few miles from the starting point to the destination.  A full tank is recommended to give you no worries about running out of gasoline. Many trips become country cruises, several miles from the nearest gas station.

If you participate in a driving event and do not have enough gasoline then you could be awarded with the "Gas Club Trophy".  Once awarded this trophy you keep it until someone else does the same action of running out of gasoline


Q: What type of radios are used during club events?


Corvette Indy typically communicates over GMRS (General Mobil Radio Service) channel 3.0) during our caravans and at events. Doing tests in June of 2017 we found that the practical Corvette to Corvette range of the radios is 1/2 - 3/4 mile. This was a confirmation of our multiple years of caravans where we set up a relay radio roughly every 8 Corvettes, so that directions and getting through intersections can be made known to all. 

The tests has us generally recommending the Motorola MR350R which can be purchased at Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Frys, etc. The key to any purchase is to find the manufactures unit with the highest mile rating, even though in practicality they will hardly ever go a mile. An interesting radio guide published by Fast Radios has good background radio information is here:     Guide      Fast Radios Website
A radio that is significantly less user-friendly but more powerful is the Baofeng GMRS-V1, which can be purchased at Amazon. (  This Baofeng requires initial programming and setup for the best performance ~ William Arnold will gladly do that for you. You can take this a step further and even get a HAM Technician-class License for $15 that would allow you to own and operate even more powerful radios.  You can purchase a security headset.  This accessory improves your ability to hear the radio communication.
NOTE: *All* GMRS radios receive just fine and the two above are being recommended for their superior transmitting range ~ about 3/4 mile ~ after our extensive testing on 6/12/17, as summarized in our Radio Test PDF.
If you think there's a better radio we haven't tested; share that with our Radio-master ~ William Arnold as he would be glad to revise our recommendations as newer units come out. 


Q: What caravan tips are suggested?


For those that have not done a caravan before it is a lot of fun but in order for it to run smoothly you need to be aware of some caravan tips:

1. You must keep up with the caravan car ahead of you and do not let a big gap develop as metal cars will be tempted to dive in the gap and break up the caravan, stay in as tight a group as possible. Avoid leaving large gaps! If everyone leaves large gaps, we'll be spread out over a long way!

2. If we are being escorted, pay close attention to the motorcycle police commands and where they are. Expect them to pass you at high rates of speed as they do their jobs and move from the rear of the caravan to the front. This will happen on the Interstate and frequently on the city streets as we move from stop light to stop light. Keep them safe and know where they are and where they are going so you don't inadvertently cut one off as you change lanes... use your mirrors frequently as you need to know what the police behind you are doing!

3. Follow at a safe distance behind the Corvette in front of you, but not so far back that you encourage non caravan traffic to "drop in" the spot between your cars. In other words pay close attention and keep up because when you "boomerang" and drop back and have to catch up it creates large gaps in the caravan and the cars behind you then have to drive very fast to catch up.

4. As you approach exit ramps be aware that non caravan traffic on your left may need to "break through" the caravan to get off at that exit. If such an event requires you to slow momentarily to let a car through then after they exit please punch it and close the caravan back up as quickly as possible.

5. If a car decides to join our caravan lane and is between you and the caravan car you are following, this can create caravan gaps and cause problems for the caravan behind you. As soon as you can safely do so pass this car and get back behind the caravan car you were following.

6. Make sure the caravan car you are following is in fact a caravan car. Sounds funny but strange things happen in caravans when a driver doesn't pay attention and starts to follow another Corvette that is not apart of the caravan and is simply going somewhere else. Remember the car behind you is following you and the car behind that car is following that car, etc. etc. So YOU are leading the rest of the caravan behind you and it doesn't take much imagination to figure out what one driver in the caravan that is not paying attention can do to the event! Pay attention or they could be talking about you for years! :<)

7. A non escorted caravan, if we are on multiple lane roads with stop lights, double up and use all available lanes to keep the caravan length as short as possible so we have our best chance of getting through traffic lights before they cut the pack in 2 or more groups.

8. Be sure to use your 2 way radio so you know what the caravan leader is doing and are prepared for turns.

9. If you are leading the caravan; keep people informed and try to use right turns only.

10. The leader should provide their cell phone number to everyone on paper in case someone gets lost or has a problem.  All should have their cell phone charged, turned on, and within reach. Provide the name of the restaurant and address where we are going to eat, so anyone that gets separated can find the restaurant. Consider providing the address and/or a map with the phone number of the restaurant. Make sure last car has a cell or radio to keep the leader informed if anyone gets separated at traffic.

11. Make sure every car and driver is ready to go before leaving. Each car needs to remember that they ARE the leader for the pack behind them so watch for cars behind you in line to make sure they don't get separated and advise the leader of any problems.

In summary just be really focused and alert on the drive. Remember if you are in a police escorted caravan and have the right-of-way so you may not be required to stop at traffic lights and signs but watch the non caravan traffic for those few knuckleheads that are slow to get the message. Drive safely but keep up and HAVE FUN!


Q: What are Club Points & how do I earn them?


Club points are earned by participating in club events and club meetings. Points accumulate during the year towards a personal Club Participation Plaque and a reduction in the following year's dues.  Generally you get 1 point for attending an event such as a Drive N Dine, Car Show, or other events listed in the Corvette Indy Calendar as listed on the website. If you attend a club meeting you are entitled to 4 Club Points.

Attending an Sanctioned Indiana Region or NCCC event is 1 point per event and 2 points if you work that event for a total of 3 points per event. These again are Club Points which are calculated separately from Region Points. (See How do I earn Region Points .. below) The confusing issue for new members is that generally a Region Day consists of up to a maximum of 7 sanctioned events for that day, so attending and working for the whole day would earn you a maximum of 7 attendance points & 14 working points for a total of 21 points for being at and working the whole day. Working a part of a day would be adjusted by the number of events you are there for.

If you attend a NCCC National Meeting or a NCCC Event there are a few additional points that can be obtained, see our monthly Activity Points Sheet form for additional points available. Speaking of the form, it is your responsibility to fill out the Activity Points Sheet monthly and get it in to the hands of the club's Competition Director to be included in our Club Current Point Total listing. Questions about earning points should directed to the Club Competition Director.


Q: How do I earn Region Points & a 200 point jacket?


There is a separate point system for Region Sanctioned Events that are maintained at the regional level. To earn these points you must either compete in a Region Sanctioned Event or work a Region Sanctioned Event. Competitors earn from 3 to 10 region points depending on number of cars in the class for each event run. Workers earn 5 region points per event and most Region Sanctioned Events have the maximum of 7 events per day. Therefore a worker will receive 35 points for working a 7 event day. To earn the region points you must have signed the event release form as a worker. Based on 35 points per day a worker need only work 6 event days to earn a Region 200 point jacket presented at the Regional Banquet in the spring of the following year. Working the two days of the Club's Main Event will get you 1/3 of the points needed for a jacket. Events held at Putnam Park and Grissom are always in need of workers and an easy drive for club members to attend and work. An active group of club workers at events is always encouraged and it is a good way to meet Corvette enthusiasts from other clubs in the region. The club governor should be contacted about any regional point total questions.

The General Motors Trademarks are used with the required written permission of GM.
All Corvette Trademarks and Logos on this site are used under license by Chevrolet Motor Division.
Corvette is a registered trademark of the Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors


CORVETTE INDY  © 2024 by Sesame Jayne Designs

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